The Overview of Calamus Collection

The Analysis of some Pieces of "Calamus" Verse

The Homosexual Theme in the world literature (from the Ancient World up to the Renaissance)

The Attitude Towards Whitman's Poetry Throughout The 20th Century

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About us

Hi! My name is Valia, I am a student of the second form of the faculty of foreign languages. The theme of our site turned out to be interesting for me as I always wanted to learn more about homosexual relationship and the public attitude towards it. The concept of Whitman inspired me to make a small research of the critics of his poetry, that you would be able to read in our site. If you have any questions or just want to oppose my point of view you can contact me

Hello! Im Nataly! I am a student of the second form of foreign languages. The aim of my work was to make an outlook of Walt Whitmans collection of verses, Calamus, devoted to the relationship between man and man. My part was based on historical facts and critical articles. To my mind, the theme of homosexuality is very cognitive to explore due to the negative attitude of people to the problem nowadays. My research has changed my vision of the issue. I hope you will enjoy reading our site. Thanks.

Hello! Im Kate! Im the member of the group that made this wonderful site, which I hope will be of great interest to everybody! I believe, the problem which was discussed in our work is rather topical nowadays. And while reading our articles you may find interesting information on how it was understood by one of the greatest American poets Walt Whitman!

Cheers, everybody! Im Shurka, a humble girl who studies at the faculty of foreign languages of MSU and is blissfully happy about this fact! Here I managed to made lots of friends and spend a great deal of time finding pleasure in studying. My article published on this site represents the fruit of my long-run studies in the world of American literature and, namely, in the poetry of Walt Whitman. The issue touched on in my work is the history of homosexual theme in the world literature. I made a special emphasise on the period from the anciant times up to the Renaissance finding these periods the most valuable in terms of our site. I hope my work will be useful to everyone interested in my theme. YOURS SINCERELY

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